Pocket HRMS (70% OFF) Discount Code & Promos

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Pocket HRMS Coupon Code & Promos

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  • Limited Time Sale

Pocket HRMS-Buy Standard Plan is for Rs.2495/m

Grab the Opportunity to buy Standard Plan is for Rs.2495/m for 50 Employees. It includes Attendance Data Import, Leave Data Import, Basic Self Service, HRIS, Report Wizard, Mobile App - Payslip only, Statutory Tax & Compliance, smHRt� Feature Suite 

  • Limited Time Sale

Pocket HRMS-Get Deal on Professional Plan is for Rs.3995/m

Just Click on Professional Plan is for Rs.3995/m which offers AI Attendance, Advanced Leave workflows, Payroll Integrations, Payslip Designer, Customizable Dashboards, Role-wise Bulk Actions, Advanced HRIS, Custom Report Designer, Mobile App - All functions, Expense, Confirmation 

  • Limited Time Sale

Pocket HRMS-Get Additional Employee for just Rs.60/m

Pocket HRMS Offers Additional Employee for just Rs.60/m. Grab the Offer! 

Pocket HRMS Offers & Deals

Pocket HRMS is a modern Human Resource Management Software that combines cloud efficiency and much-needed mobility. It is a user-friendly HR software that covers the entire process. Pocket HRMS is a completely scalable HR solution that optimizes HR department workflow. HRMS software advances HR procedures significantly through innovative features such as Automated Chabot, Interactive Dashboards, Mobility, and customizable modules. Pocket HRMS provides real-time information, fast report generation, and automation that HR professionals crave.