Keka (90% OFF) Discount Code & Offers

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Keka Coupon Code & Promos

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  • Limited Time Sale

Keka-Grab Foundation Plan is for Rs.6999/m

Visit Keka page and buy Foundation Plan is for Rs.6999/m for 100 Employees. It offers Interactive Employee Profile, Document Storage & Generation, Employee Onboarding, Time Tracking, Payroll & Expense, Employee Self Service, Add-ons. 

  • Limited Time Sale

Keka-Collect Strength Plan is for Rs.9999/m

Grab the Opportunity to buy Strength Plan is at Rs.9999/m which offers Core HR Advance, Time Tracking Advanced, Employee Self Service, Add-ons. 

  • Limited Time Sale

Keka-Grab Growth Plan for just Rs.13999/m

Donot miss the Chance to avail Growth Plan is for Rs.13999/m which offers Remote Employee Engagement, Performance Reviews, Performance Planning & Tracking, Talent Development, Add-ons 

KeKa Offers & Deals

Keka HR enables your teams to adapt, evolve, and scale by working more efficiently. Spend less time on routine activities and more on strategy. Keka's industry-specific HCM software is designed to help organizations manage their workforce more effectively and expand quickly. It provides Payroll & Expenses, Modern HR, Hiring & Onboarding, Time & Attendance, Project timesheet, etc.