Flipdish (77% OFF) Discount Code & Promos

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Flipdish Coupon Code & Promos

Coupon [3]
  • Limited Time Sale

Flipdish Coupons-Pay Only 49 €/month on Website Plan

Grab the Website Plan for just 49 €/month which offers Branded website, Online ordering platform, Menu management, Loyalty and retention, Reporting and analytics, Integrated payments 

  • Limited Time Sale

Flipdish-Get Most Popular Plan for Website & Mobile App for 79 €/month

Grab the Opportunity to buy Website & Mobile App Plan for 79 €/month. It offers Branded website, Branded mobile app, Online ordering platform,3rd party delivery integration 

  • Limited Time Sale

Flipdish-Receive Self-Service Kiosk for 59 €/month

Flipdish offers Kiosk software*Hardware (€ extra),Menu management, Loyalty and retention, Reporting and analytics, Integrated payments 

Flipdish Coupons & Deals

It is a comprehensive solution for managing restaurants. By giving independent restaurant and takeaway entrepreneurs the resources they need to simplify their lives, Flipdish is reversing the status quo for these business owners. It offers clients a suite of strong, yet simple technology and (genuine human) support, allowing them to prosper on their own terms.