Dashlane (89% OFF) Coupon Code & Promos

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Dashlane Coupon Code & Promos

Coupon [3]
  • Limited Time Sale

Dashlane-Get Premium Plan for $4.99/m

Grab the Deal on Premium Plan for just $4.99/m. It includes Unlimited devices, Unlimited passwords & passkeys, Secure sharing, Dark Web Monitoring, VPN for WiFi protection, Real-time phishing alerts, Passwordless login (currently new mobile users only) 

  • Limited Time Sale

Dashlane-Grab Friends+Family Plan for just $7.49/m

Incredible Discounts! Collect Friends+Family Plan for just $7.49/m. Hurry Up! 

  • Limited Time Sale

Dashlane-Super Deal on Business Plan for $8/m

It Offers Unlimited seats, Unlimited group & Collection sharing, Single sign-on (SSO) integration, SCIM provisioning, SIEM Integration, Activity Logs & advanced policies, Enterprise deployment, Free Friends & Family plan for all Business users, On-demand phone support, VPN for WiFi protection, Real-time phishing alerts, Unlimited passwords & passkeys, Secure sharing, Dark Web Insights 

Dashlane Coupons & Discounts

Dashlane leads the way in innovative credential security solutions, safeguarding passwords and facilitating easy access for staff members. 
19+ million people and 23,000 organizations throughout the world have faith in us. Dashlane closes a significant security gap and powers secure access by integrating seamlessly with your security stack and workers' daily tasks.